I get asked: “What type of philosopher are you?” Well, I’m not
1. A classical philosopher. I’m sympathetic to the big questions this school asks. But the best of these denied the eternal power of God and instead set up a system where God is co-eternal and our highest good is an otherworldly beatific vision.
2. Continental. Although I’m sympathetic to the existential problem as THE problem, this school slips into the non-cognitive and undermines the basis for reason.
3. Analytic. Again, I’m sympathetic to the idea of being clear, but this can get lost in straining out gnats and swallowing camels and not come to know basic things. No progress on the foundation has been made by this school.
Perhaps a new school is needed. The School of Job. Insofar as I am a philosopher I want to be one that is modeled after Job.
4. Unlike the classical school Job draws us to general revelation to see what is clear about God the creator. Our highest good is in knowing God through his works.
5. Job too asks for meaning but wants an argument and does not try to flee from reason to the non-cognitive.
6. The dialogue in Job clarifies what is being asked but it actually makes progress toward seeing what is clear about God and repenting of unbelief. This is the twofold goal of philosophy. Like Job, we can and should come to know God through his works and repent of our unbelief. God asks “have you considered my creation and what it reveals about me?” Only Job gets us there. He is the first philosopher.
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